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The Best Ways To Pick The Right Gaming Mouse

How To Pick The Right Gaming Mouse

The Best Ways To Pick The Right Gaming Mouse

What is the difference between a Gaming Mouse Vs Normal Mouse?

Gaming mice may seem similar to a standard branded mouse but, there’s a huge difference between the internals of the two mice. Gaming mice are featured with top-notch optical sensors that offer excellent accuracy and precision. However, with more than a dozen manufacturers pushing their mice as the best in the business, it can be a bit complicated to side with any one of them. However, to save you the hassle, we’ve put together the main elements that you must consider before buying a gaming mouse.

Is a Wireless Mouse good for Gaming?

This depends on the type of game you are playing. Anytime you use a wireless device there is a chance of interference and or latency. So if you are playing a game where seconds or even milliseconds matter, then a wireless mouse might not be the right choice for you instead should get a hard-wired mouse.  But if the game you are playing is strategy-based, then you could look into a wireless mouse. Also, be aware that wireless mouse’s run on batteries, and those batteries can drain over time and will need to be replaced.

Optical Sensor

The first and foremost thing that you should consider when buying a gaming mouse is its optical sensor because not all of them are the same. Some optical sensors are extremely well-optimized and they offer up to 16,000DPI. The HERO 16K sensor from Logitech is the finest example of the best optical sensor on the market. On the contrary, there are some gaming mice in the market that only offers less than 2000DPI.

We’re living in a modern world and fast-paced FPS games are hitting our shelves every day. And to excel at those, you are going to need a lot of mouse sensitivity to counter your enemies in intense battles. Anywhere between 4000DPI to 12,000DPI is considered ideal but, anything below 4000DPI won’t help you get many kills.

Lastly, if you’re looking for a gaming mouse for games like Fortnite, Warzone, or PUBG then we recommend taking a closer look at mice with flawless optical sensors that offer high DPI.

For starters, Logitech G502 Hero or Razer DeathAdder V2 seems like an appropriate choice.

Weight and Dimensions

The shape and the size of a mouse play a vital role when you’re looking for a gaming mouse. For people with small hands, we’d recommend choosing a mouse that would fit perfectly in your palm. Similarly, left-handed people find it really troublesome to choose a gaming mouse because most of them have ergonomic configurations that are designed to provide convenience to right-handed people. And for lefties, purchasing a mouse that features an ambidextrous shape would make more sense.


Furthermore, weight is another major factor that you must consider before purchasing a gaming mouse. Some people with a heavy hand like to operate a heavy mouse and for them, any gaming mice that weighs above 90g would be ideal. However, for the ones with a liking for weight-less mice, anything around 60g-70g would serve them well.

Build Quality

Gaming mice with glitchy buttons aren’t ideal and when you’re choosing cheap Chinese mice, they will break within a few weeks. And that’s why you should always consider the build quality of the mouse before purchasing one. Most branded gaming mice from Razer, Logitech, HyperX, and Corsair are offering premium quality gaming mice with a rigid build quality that will last quite a while.








Compared to non-branded gaming mice, these premium ones are likely to serve your needs for many years. And even if one of the buttons stops working, you could always find a replacement. Furthermore, instead of saving a buck or two, we’d recommend going with reputable products that offer the best bang for the buck.

Conclusion – How do I choose a Gaming Mouse?

Every person has their own unique choice and we couldn’t force our recommendations. But, these are a few factors that you must keep in mind when browsing for a new gaming mouse. For absolute beginners, choosing your first gaming mouse can be a challenging task.

But, we encourage you to do your research and go to your local computer store (if possible) to get a feel to see which gaming mouse feels the most comfortable to you.


The Best Ways To Pick The Right Gaming Mouse

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